Thursday, September 6, 2012

Let me lend a hand

How lucky!  You now have your very own child development expert! (That's me, by the way.)

I wanted to post a little about something that is crucial for young children.  Discipline.  This seems to be a scary word for some parents, but it shouldn't be!  Valya Telep, Former Extension Specialist, Child Development, Virginia State University, defines it very easily.

What is Discipline?
Discipline is  .   .   . 

Helping a child learn to get along with his family and friends.

Teaching a child to behave in an agreeable way.

Allowing a child the freedom to learn from his mistakes and experience the consequences of his decisions.

Effective discipline is helping, teaching, and learning.

Discipline Is Not Punishment

Some parents think discipline and punishment are the same thing. Some think discipline is getting a child to behave and teaching him to be obedient. Some think it is what you do when children are naughty or misbehave.
Whereas punishment focuses on the child, discipline targets the act. When we punish a child we are in effect saying to him, "You are loved (or not loved) because of the things you do." Punishment teaches the child to be "good" as long as we are looking, but as soon as we turn our heads, watch out!

Discipline separates the child's "goodness"from how well he does on a task. Our message now says, "You are OK even when your behavior is NOT OK." We love the child but reject the behavior.

The purpose of discipline is to raise responsible, confident children who grow up to be persons who think for themselves, who care about others, and who live satisfying and useful lives.
I have found these resources extremely useful and use them myself.
1-2-3-Magic by Phelan.  This is a great book for stopping annoying/irritating behaviors like whining, negotiating and manipulating.  If this method doesn't work for you, then your are not doing it correctly.  :)
Parenting with Love and Logic by Cline and Fay
Positive Discipline A-Z by Nelson

9/7 Salad spectacular
9/20 Literacy Night
10/4 &10/5 Parent Teacher Conferences for all families

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