Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So Much Excitement!

Spring lessons have begun!  The children have be studying the properties of air, animals and flags of Europe, Tchaikovsky and spring-time poetry.

A BIG BIG thank you to Obed's family for getting the class Painted Lady caterpillars and habitat and also to Blaze's family for the ladybug pupa!!!!!  We are learning about metamorphosis!

Our garden is looking so good thanks to parent plant donation.  A BIG thanks to Josie's family for the marigolds and again to Blaze's family for the Cape Honeysuckle!!!  I am so lucky to have so many families actively participating in my classroom.

*The Cookie Dough fundraiser is underway! YUM!
*There are a few days left to donate used books for the book sale.  You can leave them with me if you like and I will make sure they get where they need to go.

Literacy Night will be April 27.  Do you need a Phoenix Library Card?  I have the applications here and can get it turned in for you so you will have a card waiting for you at Literacy Night!  Please don't hesitate to ask me!

The Track Meet has been rescheduled for April 28th.  This event is for the full-day children.

Are you getting the papers I am sending home?  Please help your child to clean out their school bag EVERY day!

Questions are always welcome.  megan.trezise@phxschools.org

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