Friday is the last day of school until Monday January 3rd. I hope you enjoy the extra time with your child and family.
I have couple of gems to send you on your holiday way! The following activities will enrich your vacation time! They are from One Hundred Child Development Tips by Heather Pedersen, Ph.D
#42. Teach your child about numbers. (a) Count out loud during your activities; (b) Frequently use numbers in your observations and conversations; and (c) play sorting games. Regarding the latter, a simple exercise is to fill a big bowl with an item like buttons, beads or shells and then have your child sort them by size, shape or color.
#43 Introduce your child to language sounds by playing rhyming and I-spy games (e.g., "I spy with my little eye something that begins with the sound "buh.") You and your child should both use phonetic sounds to describe letters until your child is older and has a good grasp of the alphabet. This helps to eliminate confusion in the learning process.
Happy Holidays!!!!!!!
If you have any questions for me please call-602-523-8757
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