So much to share! So far the children and I have discussed Volcanoes, Lakes and Islands, Land Water & Air, magnets, compass and the parts of the pumpkin. Next up is North America, the parts of the tree and the parts of the mammal. We are also practicing greeting with a handshake-they LOVE to practice it!
Please EMPTY your child's backpack EVERYDAY! I have been seeing lots of papers come back to school that needed to be home.
Sound, Word or Number books: You all have seen them, but what can you do with them? Practice! Let your child give you a lesson!
Information on our United Nation's Day Celebration is on the way! October 27th is the big day.
Coming soon is our Fall Festival!
Questions for Ms. Meg? Our classroom telephone number has changed. It is now 602-523-8757. Email is
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